Everyone is an informed consumer these days. We have terabytes of data at our fingertips online, just one search query away. So what is your immediate reaction to something like this?
We just saw this ad pop up, and had to take a look for ourselves at ipayone.com. Too good to be true? Wasn’t this a thing in the past? A quick search reveals it was: click here. April 5, 2007 is the article date. Almost seven years later, they are back again…
The fine print seems to pop up though.
Oops. No guarantee to pay 1%, just an option… How many people will hire folks associated with this marketing and be upsold? You already have the option to negotiate the rate you pay versus the services you wish to receive. As a full service provider, we opt to do everything in our repertoire to sell your home as quickly as possible at the highest value. Don’t hesitate to interview multiple brokerages.